Thursday, May 6, 2010

A Great Writer.

S.E. Hinton is one of my favorite and most beloved writer's I have ever known. I have been the person to read books on just Biographies and history around the world. Just getting a insight on someone's life and what I have not know about my history is what intrigues me. Books with a plot and maybe a series of novels just isn't my style i should say. When I was younger I always read the books with the most pictures and not a lot of words, regular ole books were just boring to me. Then when I had to chance to read "The Outsiders" I was mesmerized with it. All of the gang fights and debauchery that these young kids got into with there everyday life was just an eye opener for me towards different kind of books.

S.E. Hinton I guess you could say changed my literary point of view. She was seventeen when she published "The Outsiders" so that is really why I can see how it hit the young community so hard. Something I found very interesting was the she changed her name to S.E. Hinton was so that guys would think its a male author and not a women. S.E. Hinton with all of her hit books which soon some became movies that I love as well. With her unique and different writing style she is the author that stood out to me more then any other author books I have read.

She is a very great author one who i think is a little under-rated for her talent. I will always be in touch with what ever new material she comes out. I will try to get my future kids to read her books but it is a requirement in some English classes in middle school so hopefully they read her works. She changed my outlook on books hopefully it can do the same for others.

Wilson, Antoine. "S.E. Hinton." Rosen Publishing Group, Inc. New York, NY. 2003.

S.E Hinton Background

S.E. Hinton was born and raised in Tulsa, Oklahoma where most of her books were based at. She was born in 1948. She was an avid reader as a child and soon began writing stories about cowboys, horses, and other topics of interest to her.While a student at Will Rogers High School, she began writing "The Outsiders" and saw the novel evolve through four drafts before submitting it to Curtis Brown literary agent Marilyn Marlow. A publication contract with Viking arrived during her high school graduation ceremony. Loosely based on her own experiences and those of friends and acquaintances, the book is about the ongoing rivalry and conflict that leads to a deadly confrontation between two gangs--the lower-class "greasers" and their upper-middle-class counterparts, the "socs" (short for socials). "The Outsiders" was an instant hit among teenagers and sold more than four million copies in the United States.

Novelist S. E. Hinton is credited with revolutionizing the young adult genre by portraying teenagers realistically rather than formulaically and by creating characters, settings, and dialogue that are representative of teenage life in America. S.E, Hinton is still know today as one of the great American writer for young adults and is still going strong today.hinton_se.jpg

http:/ /
http:/ /www.biographyresoucecenter/S.E.Hinton


Different Writing Style

All writer's have their own writing style in which what makes them unique and what they write about. S.E. Hinton's ways of writing her stories was more popular towards young adults. Most of her stories were about young teens troubled by there appearance and how poor or rich you are.

In her book "Rumble Fish", the book explores gang violence and the coming of age. The story focuses on a troubled young teen who is know as the local tough guy but he gradually loses everything that has ever held meaning for him. Also in her "Tex", is a story based on two young brothers who are left alone in each others care. This book is on how the two young brothers deal with drugs, violence, social upheaval, and family problems. Most of her books, like the ones I just mentioned are in first person narrative.

Hinton kept to a very similar style of writing and what she wrote about. Some critics many critics have noticed a melodrama for all of her books but its seems to fit her and with her fan base I don't think she will be changing anytime soon.

Hinton, S.E. "Rumble Fish." Random House, Inc. New York, NY. 1968.

Wilson, Antoine. "S.E. Hinton." Rosen Publishing Group, Inc. New York, NY. 2003.

The Outsiders

S.E. Hinton wrote several novel's mostly about young teenagers and the hardships in her book. One that stood out more then the others was the one that everyone knows her by.

The Outsiders was a book that S.E Hinton that brought to fame. The book was published when she was only 17 years if age. The novel is about a troubled teen with a gang of friends know as the "greasers" who are the low-life's i guess you could say, who are on an ongoing fight with the upper class Soc's. Ponyboy Curtis is the narrator and main character of the book. He and his two older brothers live alone with there other gang members coming in and out. Johnny a member if the gang who is close to Ponyboy end up getting jumped by a group ofSoc's and Johnny ends killing one of them and that being the climax of the story. The story ends up being a very sensitive and heart felled novel.

The Outsiders is novel full of inspiration and hardship for a young teen and it lets you know that things maybe bad but happen for a reason."Stay Golden Ponyboy!".


Enrichs, Lisa. "Advice from a Penwomen."Contemporary Literary Criticism. Vol.111 1999. Literature Resource Center-Gale Group. Web. 12. Aug. 1990. .

Harris, June. "Contemporary Popular Writers."Literature Resource Center. Literature Resource Center-Gale Group. Web. 2007

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