S.E. Hinton is one of my favorite and most beloved writer's I have ever known. I have been the person to read books on just Biographies and history around the world. Just getting a insight on someone's life and what I have not know about my history is what intrigues me. Books with a plot and maybe a series of novels just isn't my style i should say. When I was younger I always read the books with the most pictures and not a lot of words, regular ole books were just boring to me. Then when I had to chance to read "The Outsiders" I was mesmerized with it. All of the gang fights and debauchery that these young kids got into with there everyday life was just an eye opener for me towards different kind of books.
S.E. Hinton I guess you could say changed my literary point of view. She was seventeen when she published "The Outsiders" so that is really why I can see how it hit the young community so hard. Something I found very interesting was the she changed her name to S.E. Hinton was so that guys would think its a male author and not a women. S.E. Hinton with all of her hit books which soon some became movies that I love as well. With her unique and different writing style she is the author that stood out to me more then any other author books I have read.
She is a very great author one who i think is a little under-rated for her talent. I will always be in touch with what ever new material she comes out. I will try to get my future kids to read her books but it is a requirement in some English classes in middle school so hopefully they read her works. She changed my outlook on books hopefully it can do the same for others.
Wilson, Antoine. "S.E. Hinton." Rosen Publishing Group, Inc. New York, NY. 2003.
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